Orthovita, Inc. Contact Information all trade marks

The Orthovita, Inc. owner is known worldwide for his trademarks. These brands are in demand in services such as For: Collection device for blood or bone marrow aspirate; device for separating blood or bone marrow aspirate into its components; device for the collection and separation of blood into platelet-rich plasma International Class(es): 010- Primary Class U.S , For: Implants, namely spinal implants composed of bioactive materials International Class(es): 010- Primary Class U.S Class(es): 026,039,044 Class Status: ACTIVE Basis: 1(b), For: Implants, namely, spinal implants composed of synthetic materials in the nature of materials capable of bonding to living tissue International Class(es): 010- Primary Class U.S Class(es): 026,039,044 Class Status: ACTIVE Basis: 1(b), For: Hemostats used to control bleeding, namely, bio-material preparations in the nature of tissue adhesives, tissue sealants, films, barriers, adhesion prevention materials, spray adhesive materials for mending, repairing, and healing tissue in promoting, For: Synthetic bone graft implant for medical purposes; synthetic bone for medical purposes International Class(es): 010- Primary Class U.S Class(es): 026,039,044 Class Status: ACTIVE Basis: 1(b), For: bone compositions comprised mainly of bioactive glass and calcium phosphate granules and substrates for use in the repair and replacement of teeth and bones International Class(es): 005- Primary Class U.S Class(es): 006,018,044,046,051,052 Class Stat. You can contact Orthovita, Inc. from anywhere in the world by phone or email, which you will find on our service. Trademarks presented to you have been re-registered at different times. Key Publication Dates - May 25, 2010, Oct. 28, 2010, Aug. 27, 2010, Dec. 03, 2010, Jul. 01, 2010, Nov. 22, 2010.