ELIZONDO CARLOS GERARDO Contact Information all trade marks

The ELIZONDO CARLOS GERARDO owner is known worldwide for his trademarks. These brands are in demand in services such as For: Semi-processed plastics; Semi-worked synthetic plastic and synthetic resins as semi-finished products in form of pellets, rods, foils, foams, fibers, films and sheets; Tinted, laminated and reflective plastic films for use in home or auto windows Int, For: Semi-processed plastics; semi-worked synthetic plastic and synthetic resins as semi-finished products in form of pellets, rods, foils, foams, fibers, films and sheets; tinted, laminated and reflective plastic films for use in home or auto windows Int. You can contact ELIZONDO CARLOS GERARDO from anywhere in the world by phone or email, which you will find on our service. Trademarks presented to you have been re-registered at different times. Key Publication Dates - Sep. 14, 2010.