Van Clay Developmant, LLC Contact Information all trade marks

The Van Clay Developmant, LLC owner is known worldwide for his trademarks. These brands are in demand in services such as For: Education services, namely, providing membership-based social programs that provide mentoring, professional development and networking opportunities for women aspiring to be teachers and current and former teachers in the fields of education Internat, For: Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, retreats, camps and field trips in the field of college, career, and life readiness and distribution of training material in connection therewith International Class(. You can contact Van Clay Developmant, LLC from anywhere in the world by phone or email, which you will find on our service. Trademarks presented to you have been re-registered at different times. Key Publication Dates - Oct. 18, 2016, Oct. 29, 2016.