The mark consists of a rectangular field having a wavy light blue band extending horizontally across the field and defining an upper portion in the color blue and a lower portion in the color green; the terms "COCO STAR" in the color blue is superimposed over the wavy band and the word "ÜLKER" in the color red appears over the terms "COCO STAR" and within the blue field; an image of a coconut in the colors white and brown appears to the right of the term "STAR" and adjacent to an image of a palm tree having green leaves and a brown bark. The color white appears as a border around the wording "ÜLKER COCO STAR".

US serial number:85072730
Application filling date:Jun. 28, 2010
Mark type:Trademark
Status:Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due.
Status date:Dec. 13, 2011
Publication date:Sep. 27, 2011
Standard character claim:No
Foreign foreign registration number:200626040
Foreign foreign registration date:Apr. 25, 2007
Foreign foreign application registration country:TURKEY
Foreign foreign expiration date:Jun. 01, 2016
Goods and services:For: Baking powder; Biscuits; Bread; Cakes; Candies; Chocolate and chocolates; Cocoa; Coffee and artificial coffee; Confectionery made of sugar; Cookies; Flour; Honey; Ices and ice creams; Ketchup; Mayonnaise; Mustard; Pastry; Preparations made from cerea
Current owner owner name:Yildiz Holding A.S.
Current owner owner address:No. 2/4 B. Camlica Kisikli Mah. Ferah Cad. Cesme Sk. Uskudar, Istanbul TURKEY
Current owner legal entity type:CORPORATION
Current owner state or country:TURKEY
Attorney name:Anthony D. Logan
Attorney email:pto_adl@vclmlaw.com
Attorney docket number:PHDL1790-006
Attorney email authorized:Yes
Correspondent name address:Anthony D. Logan Venable, Campillo, Logan & Meaney PC 1938 E. Osborn Rd. Phoenix, ARIZONA UNITED STATES 85016
Correspondent phone:602-631-9100
Correspondent email:pto_adl@vclmlaw.com
Correspondent fax:602-631-4529
Correspondent email authorized:Yes
Domestic representative name:Howard Natter
Domestic representative phone:602-631-9100
Domestic representative fax:602-631-4529
Domestic representative email:h.natter@natter-natter.com
Domestic representative email authorized ÜLKER COCO STAR:Yes


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