US serial number:85084572
Application filling date:Jul. 14, 2010
Mark type:Trademark, Service Mark
Status:Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due.
Status date:Sep. 06, 2011
Publication date:Jun. 21, 2011
Standard character claim:Yes. The mark consists of standard characters without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
Mark drawing type:4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK
Foreign priority claimed:Yes
Foreign foreign application number:009150848
Foreign foreign application filling date:Jun. 03, 2010
Foreign foreign registration number:009150848
Foreign foreign registration date:Nov. 15, 2010
Foreign foreign application registration country:EUROPEAN (EU) OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE INTERNAL MARKET (OHIM)
Foreign foreign expiration date:Jun. 03, 2020
Goods and services:For: Computer software for use in financial data extraction, analysis and manipulation for tax purposes; electronic downloadable publications, namely, manuals and newsletters in the field of financial data extraction, analysis and manipulation for tax pur
Current owner owner name:PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Current owner owner address:1 Embankment Place London UNITED KINGDOM WC2N6RH
Current owner legal entity type:LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
Current owner state or country:UNITED KINGDOM
Attorney name:Bradford S. Breen
Attorney email:ipprosecution@orrick.com
Attorney docket number:13564.6002
Attorney email authorized:No
Correspondent name address:Bradford S. Breen ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE LLP 2050 MAIN STREET, SUITE 1100 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES 92614-8255
Correspondent phone:949-567-6700
Correspondent email:ipprosecution@orrick.com
Correspondent fax:949-567-6710
Correspondent email authorized ENLIGHTEN:No


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