US serial number:85165362
Application filling date:Oct. 29, 2010
Mark type:Service Mark
Status:Abandoned because the applicant failed to respond or filed a late response to an Office action. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Status date:Aug. 03, 2012
Abandoned date:Jul. 09, 2012
Standard character claim:Yes. The mark consists of standard characters without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
Mark drawing type:4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK
Goods and services:For: Creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities and engage in social networking, in each case featuring health care and wellness topics International Class(es):
Services:Creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions get feedback from their peers form virtual communities and engage in social networking in each case featuring health care and wellness topics
Current owner owner name:Welltok, Inc.
Current owner owner address:1530 15th Street Denver, COLORADO UNITED STATES 80202
Current owner legal entity type:CORPORATION
Current owner state or country:DELAWARE
Attorney name:Kendall Thiessen
Attorney docket number:1001
Attorney email authorized:Yes
Correspondent name address:Kendall Thiessen 1507 Pine St Boulder, COLORADO UNITED STATES 80302
Correspondent phone:7203754355
Correspondent email authorized:Yes
Trademark staff tm attorney:ROBERTSON, DEIRDRE G
Trademark staff law office assigned SOCIAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT:LAW OFFICE 111


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