US serial number:87206894
Application filling date:Oct. 18, 2016
Mark type:Service Mark
Status:A non-final Office action has been sent (issued) to the applicant. This is a letter from the examining attorney requiring additional information and/or making an initial refusal. The applicant must respond to this Office action. To view all documents i
Status date:Feb. 06, 2017
Standard character claim:Yes. The mark consists of standard characters without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
Mark drawing type:4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK
Goods and services:For: Educational services, namely, conducting live and on-line classes, seminars, and workshops in the field of personal life coaching, self-help, personal development, professional development, success, how-to, and psychology instruction, and distributio
Current owner owner name:The Burchard Group LLC
Current owner owner address:PO Box 5368 Portland, OREGON UNITED STATES 97228
Current owner legal entity type:LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
Current owner state or country:CALIFORNIA
Attorney name:Larry D. Johnson
Attorney email:ldjesq@aol.com
Attorney docket number:16126.T9
Attorney email authorized:Yes
Correspondent name address:LARRY D. JOHNSON PO BOX 470277 CELEBRATION, FLORIDA UNITED STATES 34747
Correspondent phone:407-566-0801
Correspondent email:ldjesq@aol.com
Correspondent fax:407-566-0802
Correspondent email authorized:Yes
Trademark staff tm attorney:KERTGATE, AMY L
Trademark staff law office assigned HIGH PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE:LAW OFFICE 113


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