US serial number:85021352
Application filling date:Apr. 23, 2010
Mark type:Trademark
Status:Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due.
Status date:Jan. 04, 2011
Publication date:Oct. 19, 2010
Standard character claim:Yes. The mark consists of standard characters without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
Mark drawing type:4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK
Goods and services:For: Clothing products, namely, clothing, namely, pants, shorts, swimwear, shirts, neckwear, polo shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, shorts; footwear; headgear, namely, hats and caps and clothing accessories, namely, scarves and belts International Class(es)
Services:Clothing products namely clothing namely pants shorts swimwear shirts neckwear polo shirts pants dresses skirts shorts; footwear; headgear namely hats and caps and clothing accessories namely scarves and belts
Current owner owner name:NRO Boston LLC
Current owner owner address:PO BOX 305 Boston, MASSACHUSETTS UNITED STATES 02114
Current owner legal entity type:LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
Current owner state or country:MASSACHUSETTS
Attorney name:Raj Abhyanker
Attorney docket number:16581
Attorney email authorized:No
Correspondent name address:Raj Abhyanker Raj Abhyanker, P.C. 1580 West El Camino Real Suite 8 Mountain View, CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES 94040
Correspondent phone:650-965-8731
Correspondent fax:650-989-2131
Correspondent email authorized NRO:No


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