US serial number:85125858
Application filling date:Sep. 09, 2010
Mark type:Trademark
Status:Suspension check completed. Application remains suspended.
Status date:Dec. 02, 2015
Standard character claim:Yes. The mark consists of standard characters without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
Mark drawing type:4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK
Goods and services:For: Backpacks, purses, handbags, and wallets, not sold through commercial retail channels International Class(es): 018- Primary Class U.S Class(es): 001,002,003,022,041 Class Status: ACTIVE Basis: 1(b) For: Clothing items not sold through commercial ret
Services:Backpacks purses handbags and wallets not sold through commercial retail channels
Current owner owner name:Kingdom Investments International
Current owner owner address:20587 Scarlet Sage Way Bend, OREGON UNITED STATES 97702
Current owner legal entity type:CORPORATION
Current owner state or country:OREGON
Attorney name:Brian D. Flagler
Attorney email:brian@flaglerlawgroup.com
Attorney email authorized:No
Correspondent name address:BRIAN D. FLAGLER FLAGLER LAW GROUP LLC 777 NW Wall Street, Suite 304 BEND, OREGON UNITED STATES 97701
Correspondent phone:541-549-8401
Correspondent email:brian@flaglerlawgroup.com gayle@flaglerlawgroup.com
Correspondent fax:541-549-8403
Correspondent email authorized:Yes
Trademark staff tm attorney:STOIDES, KATHERINE
Trademark staff law office assigned OPERATION RANSOM:LAW OFFICE 101


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