US serial number:85099269
Application filling date:Aug. 03, 2010
Mark type:Trademark
Status:Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due.
Status date:Aug. 23, 2011
Publication date:Jun. 07, 2011
Standard character claim:Yes. The mark consists of standard characters without claim to any particular font style, size, or color.
Mark drawing type:4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK
Goods and services:For: Surgical, medical apparatus and instruments used in performing ophthalmic, ocular and eye-related surgery, namely, knives and cutters, all of the preceding to exclude non-ophthalmic goods International Class(es): 010- Primary Class U.S Class(es): 026
Services:Surgical medical apparatus and instruments used in performing ophthalmic ocular and eye-related surgery namely knives and cutters all of the preceding to exclude non-ophthalmic goods
Current owner owner name:BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED
Current owner owner address:ONE BAUSCH & LOMB PLACE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK UNITED STATES 146042701
Current owner legal entity type:CORPORATION
Current owner state or country:NEW YORK
Attorney name:Denis A. Polyn
Attorney email authorized:Yes
Correspondent name address:JON O. WEBSTER Bausch & Lomb Incorporated 1400 N. Goodman Street Rochester, NEW YORK UNITED STATES 14609
Correspondent phone:585-338-8049
Correspondent email authorized TRU-SIZE:Yes


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